Zen-Friendly #Websites to Keep You Calm + Productive at #Work

LPHR // Career Strategists + HR Solutions Group

10 Most #Zen-Friendly #Websites to Keep You Calm + Productive at #Work //

Free Download: LPHR’s Group Team Building Kit

StartUp organizations eventually reach a plateau where it’s necessary infuse leadership initiatives throughout management + “up-and-coming” leadership teams.

Let LPHR help your organization break through this tipping point + enable your business to leap into its next levels.

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Free Download: LPHR’s Orientation Kit

Looking to make a first impression that counts?  Start here.

Let LPHR take the frustration out of creating your own professionally polished orientation kits for new hires.  This kit provides you with pre-formatted sample templates that are designed to organize your company’s orientation process, so you can focus on making your new hire’s experience as positive as possible.

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20 Ways To Maximize Your #Motivation All The Time

LPHR // Career Strategists + HR Solutions Group20 Ways To Maximize Your #Motivation All The Time // http://bit.ly/1fu3r8K


Meditation 101: Benefits + Techniques

Meditation Techniques That Anybody Can Use

Meditation quiets the mind and embraces the power and mystery of the universe in an effort to reach a higher state of enlightenment. Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Jainism, and Taoism are just a few of the religions that practice meditation, but secular applications of meditation are practiced worldwide as well.

Meditation is more than a method for relaxing the body, as some people think. It is a way for gaining freedom from incessant, nagging thoughts and worries, quieting the chatter of the mind, and attaining inner peace and happiness. In its higher levels it leads to spiritual awakening, enlightenment, and to realizing who and what you are.

Healing meditation can provide health benefits. Numerous research studies have shown some links between meditation and improved health. When you consider the negative effects of just stress alone on the body, you can easily understand the importance of meditation.

Learn how to transform your life with simple meditation techniques like these:

  1. Walking. Walking is very popular among monks. This activity combines physical activity with mind conditioning so that you can relieve stress immediately. In order for this to work, you must find a place where you can walk around something, like a circular path or a track. You will want to follow a pattern in order to help your mind rest. You will want to walk at a slow pace so you can think. You may get distracted from time to time on your journey, especially if there are other people on your path. Simply acknowledge the interruption and continue on your way.

  2. Prayer. Another technique is known as prayer meditation which is in fact the most used form. The nice thing about this is that you don’t have to go to church or sing any hymns. You don’t even have to believe in any god. You merely take a seat, close your eyes and just relax. When you are completely at ease go ahead and ask the universe for what you want.

  3. Candle meditation. Here, you basically light a candle after which you focus on the flame for the next few minutes or for the next few hours. It is up to you. During your meditation, block out everything else on the earth and focus all of your attention on the flickering flame. The goal is to find yourself in a state of perfect peace and contentment.

4. Mirror gazing. In this technique you simply gaze into your own image in the mirror and consider how your life is going so far. This can be done standing or seated. When you find yourself perfectly at ease ask yourself what you can do to make your life better.

  1. Generate moments of awareness during the day. Finding your breath and ‘being present in the moment’ while not in any formal practice is a wonderful way to evolve your meditation habits.

  2. Focus on an inspiring quote. Choose an inspiring quote from any spiritual teacher, and repeat it in your mind, trying to find its deeper meaning, beyond the written words. (See Ultimate Mind Package)

  3. Be Grateful at the end. Once your practice is through, spend 2 or 3 minutes feeling appreciative of the opportunity to meditate and practice your mind’s ability to focus.

Remember, patience, perseverance and self discipline should be always cultivated and rewarded. Reward yourself for your meditations by meditating.


Source: BrainWaves // iPhone App